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Hello everyone! So I decided to dedicate this post to give you 25 facts about myself. Since I don't make videos & mostly just post photos on Instagram, I thought it would be cool to share a little more about myself on here :) Obviously there is a lot more to know, but I want to start out with these so you know a little more about me! If you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them xo

1. I'm 24.

2. I don't eat meat.

3. I'm a black belt.

4. My favorite movie is Saving Private Ryan.

5. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology & Master's Degree in Counseling.

6. Favorite band: Blink 182

7. If it has Nutella on it..I want it.

8. Helping people fulfills me.

9. Bad habit: I bite my cuticles.

10. I hate being late. I'm usually always early.

11. I used to wear rainbow eyeshadow in high school. (it wasn't cute lol)

12. I had braces for 3 years.

13. I'll never stop eating pasta. It's my fav & don't care about the carbs :)

14. I'm 1/2 Italian, 1/4 Czech & 1/4 Irish.

15. I've wanted a Ford Mustang since I was 9 & bought my own when I turned 20.

16. Traveling is always on my mind.

17. My new favorite TV show is The Incredible Dr. Pol.

18. I broke my nose by getting hit in the face with a softball.

19. I'm always trying to improve myself.

20. I get acupuncture once a week.

21. Life goal: volunteer over seas to help children & adults in poverty.

22. I'm a hardcore beach lover.

24. I never drink soda.

25. I have a younger brother and sister..they're twins.

BONUS fact: I laugh all the time :)

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