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I Scream for Eye Cream!

Hey friends! As you can tell from my title, today we are going to chat about eye cream! Now that I've officially turned 25, I have made some extra efforts in the skincare department. Eye cream was never on my radar, but now that I've started using it and have actually found one that makes a difference, l can't complete my skincare routine without it!

Eye cream was always one of those products that I thought was useless. My attitude towards it has always been "Why can't I just use my regular moisturizer around my eyes?" Now that I've become more informed, I now know that the skin around our eyes is extremely delicate, and is also a lot thinner than the skin surrounding the rest of our face. Therefore, using the right eye cream is very important if we want to protect the skin around our eyes and keep it looking fresh and youthful!

I started using the VII Code T2 Oxygen Eye Cream. I love using this eye cream for many reasons, the obvious ones being that it's ridiculously luxurious and smells incredible. This eye cream facilitates an in-depth process that heals and regenerates damaged skin cells in the eye area. Most importantly, it erases early signs of aging, which is what I'm all about! ;) What I really appreciate about this product is that I immediately felt and saw results. I mean what's more annoying than investing your excitement, time and money into a product that ends up doing absolutely nothing? So I'm very happy that there has been a noticeable change. With this cream, my eyes feel instantly hydrated and moisturized. I have even noticed that the tiny fine lines and wrinkles are not as noticeable. I'm also convinced that it has helped remove the darkness under my eyes as well.

Now a days it's so hard to find a product that does what it says, not to mention there are a million eye creams on the market. I'm so happy that The VII Code eye cream has been working for me.I 100% stand by it and would recommend it to anyone in need of a good eye cream. Instead of turning to injections under the eyes to look more awake and youthful, using an effective eye cream will give you nearly the same result.

If you have any questions regarding this product or skincare questions in general...or just a question about anything, you know where to find me :)

Chat soon!



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